Sunday, November 9, 2008

Reconstruction of the Sultan Mehmed's Tomb

Padişah (sovereign) Sultan Mustafa III Khan reconstructed a new the tomb which had collapsed in an earthquake, and imprinted the following note:

"Yaptı bu alı makamı Seyda tarihtir
Feth-i bab oldu müeyyed Fatihe ihda için
1180 (M.1766/67)"

[This noble place was built by Seyda, who is a history now
It became an opening of a door as a gift for the blessed Fatih
1180H (1766/67 A.D)]

The old tomb was abolished in a severe earthquake on 22 May 1766.

After that, with an imperial edict from the Sultan and under the supervision of İbrahim Sarim Efendi a group of technician experts investigated the tomb remains and estimated that its reconstruction would cost 87 kese and 95 kuruş.

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